Bootstrap Fact 1 Section

The Finest Design Agency

You convey the idea, and we deliver a refined interface.

We're one of the finest web design agencies that team up with startups, agencies, and founders to design digital products and websites.

More Details


Happy Customers


Issues Solved


Finished Projects


Awwwards Winning

Place the code in the <body> for Interface
<!-- Fact 1 - Bootstrap Brain Component -->
<section class="bg-light py-3 py-md-5 py-xl-8">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row gy-3 gy-md-5 gy-lg-0 align-items-center">
      <div class="col-12 col-lg-5">
        <h3 class="fs-6 text-secondary mb-2 mb-xl-3">The Finest Design Agency</h3>
        <h2 class="display-5 mb-3 mb-xl-4">You convey the idea, and we deliver a refined interface.</h2>
        <p class="mb-4 mb-xl-5">We're one of the finest web design agencies that team up with startups, agencies, and founders to design digital products and websites.</p>
        <a href="#!" class="btn bsb-btn-2xl btn-primary rounded-pill">More Details</a>
      <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
        <div class="row justify-content-xl-end">
          <div class="col-12 col-xl-11">
            <div class="row gy-3 gy-md-4">
              <div class="col-12 col-sm-6">
                <div class="card border-0 border-bottom border-primary shadow-sm">
                  <div class="card-body text-center p-4 p-xxl-5">
                    <div class="btn btn-primary bsb-btn-circle bsb-btn-circle-4xl pe-none mb-2">
                      <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-person-add" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path d="M12.5 16a3.5 3.5 0 1 0 0-7 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 7Zm.5-5v1h1a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-1v1a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-1h-1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h1v-1a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0Zm-2-6a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0ZM8 7a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4Z" />
                        <path d="M8.256 14a4.474 4.474 0 0 1-.229-1.004H3c.001-.246.154-.986.832-1.664C4.484 10.68 5.711 10 8 10c.26 0 .507. 9.038 8.564 9 8 9c-5 0-6 3-6 4s1 1 1 1h5.256Z" />
                    <h3 class="h1 mb-2">120K</h3>
                    <p class="fs-5 mb-0 text-secondary">Happy Customers</p>
              <div class="col-12 col-sm-6">
                <div class="card border-0 border-bottom border-primary shadow-sm">
                  <div class="card-body text-center p-4 p-xxl-5">
                    <div class="btn btn-primary bsb-btn-circle bsb-btn-circle-4xl pe-none mb-2">
                      <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-heart-pulse" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path d="m8 2.748-.717-.737C5.6.281 2.514.878 1.4 3.053.918 3.995.78 5.323 1.508 7H.43c-2.128-5.697 4.165-8.83 7.394-5.857. 3.12 0 0 1 .176-.17c3.23-2.974 9.522.159 7.394 5.856h-1.078c.728-1.677.59-3.005.108-3.947C13.486.878 10.4.28 8.717 2.01L8 2.748ZM2.212 10h1.315C4.593 11.183 6.05 12.458 8 13.795c1.949-1.337 3.407-2.612 4.473-3.795h1.315c-1.265 1.566-3.14 3.25-5.788 5-2.648-1.75-4.523-3.434-5.788-5Z" />
                        <path d="M10.464 3.314a.5.5 0 0 0-.945.049L7.921 8.956 6.464 5.314a.5.5 0 0 0-.88-.091L3.732 8H.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1H4a.5.5 0 0 0 .416-.223l1.473-2.209 1.647 4.118a.5.5 0 0 0 .945-.049l1.598-5.593 1.457 3.642A.5.5 0 0 0 12 9h3.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-1h-3.162l-1.874-4.686Z" />
                    <h3 class="h1 mb-2">1890+</h3>
                    <p class="fs-5 mb-0 text-secondary">Issues Solved</p>
              <div class="col-12 col-sm-6">
                <div class="card border-0 border-bottom border-primary shadow-sm">
                  <div class="card-body text-center p-4 p-xxl-5">
                    <div class="btn btn-primary bsb-btn-circle bsb-btn-circle-4xl pe-none mb-2">
                      <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-droplet" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.21.8C7.69.295 8 0 8 0c.109.363.234.708.371 1.038.812 1.946 2.073 3.35 3.197 4.6C12.878 7.096 14 8.345 14 10a6 6 0 0 1-12 0C2 6.668 5.58 2.517 7.21.8zm.413 1.021A31.25 31.25 0 0 0 5.794 3.99c-.726.95-1.436 2.008-1.96 3.07C3.304 8.133 3 9.138 3 10a5 5 0 0 0 10 0c0-1.201-.796-2.157-2.181-3.7l-.03-.032C9.75 5.11 8.5 3.72 7.623 1.82z" />
                        <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4.553 7.776c.82-1.641 1.717-2.753 2.093-3.13l.708.708c-.29.29-1.128 1.311-1.907 2.87l-.894-.448z" />
                    <h3 class="h1 mb-2">250K</h3>
                    <p class="fs-5 mb-0 text-secondary">Finished Projects</p>
              <div class="col-12 col-sm-6">
                <div class="card border-0 border-bottom border-primary shadow-sm">
                  <div class="card-body text-center p-4 p-xxl-5">
                    <div class="btn btn-primary bsb-btn-circle bsb-btn-circle-4xl pe-none mb-2">
                      <svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-cloud-moon" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path d="M7 8a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 3.5 3.555.5.5 0 0 0 .625.492A1.503 1.503 0 0 1 13 13.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5H3a2 2 0 1 1 .1-3.998.5.5 0 0 0 .509-.375A3.502 3.502 0 0 1 7 8zm4.473 3a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-8.72-.99A3 3 0 0 0 3 16h8.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5h-.027z" />
                        <path d="M11.286 1.778a.5.5 0 0 0-.565-.755 4.595 4.595 0 0 0-3.18 5.003 5.46 5.46 0 0 1 1.055.209A3.603 3.603 0 0 1 9.83 2.617a4.593 4.593 0 0 0 4.31 5.744 3.576 3.576 0 0 1-2.241.634c.162.317.295.652.394 1a4.59 4.59 0 0 0 3.624- 0 0 0-.565-.755 3.593 3.593 0 0 1-4.065-5.422z" />
                    <h3 class="h1 mb-2">786+</h3>
                    <p class="fs-5 mb-0 text-secondary">Awwwards Winning</p>
Place the <link> tag in the <head> for CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/components/facts/fact-1/assets/css/fact-1.css">

This Bootstrap 5 fun fact snippet is stylish and modern. You can enlist different stats quickly. Bootstrap icons add beauty to this fun fact example. This Bootstrap 5 fun fact snippet has a significant heading to attract user attention. The Call to Action (CTA) button will help you to increase conversions.