Bootstrap Team 2 Section
Our Team
With Our Team, you can expect personalized attention and engaging designs.
Flora Nyra
Define the product vision and strategy and conduct user research to understand the needs of the target market.
James Levi
Analyze financial statements to assess a company's financial performance and develop financial models for future performance.
Taytum Elia
Develop and oversee the visual concept for a product or brand and direct and review the work of other creative professionals.
<!-- Team 2 - Bootstrap Brain Component -->
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<h2 class="fs-6 text-secondary mb-2 text-uppercase text-center">Our Team</h2>
<p class="display-5 mb-4 mb-md-5 text-center">With Our Team, you can expect personalized attention and engaging designs.</p>
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<img class="img-fluid bsb-scale bsb-hover-scale-up" loading="lazy" src="./assets/img/team-img-1.jpg" alt="Flora Nyra">
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-eye text-white bsb-hover-fadeInLeft" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M16 8s-3-5.5-8-5.5S0 8 0 8s3 5.5 8 5.5S16 8 16 8zM1.173 8a13.133 13.133 0 0 1 1.66-2.043C4.12 4.668 5.88 3.5 8 3.5c2.12 0 3.879 1.168 5.168 2.457A13.133 13.133 0 0 1 14.828 8c-.058.087-.122.183-.195.288-.335.48-.83 1.12-1.465 1.755C11.879 11.332 10.119 12.5 8 12.5c-2.12 0-3.879-1.168-5.168-2.457A13.134 13.134 0 0 1 1.172 8z" />
<path d="M8 5.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5zM4.5 8a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 7 0 3.5 3.5 0 0 1-7 0z" />
<h4 class="h6 text-white bsb-hover-fadeInRight mt-2">Read More</h4>
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<h2 class="card-title h4 fw-bold mb-3">Flora Nyra</h2>
<p class="card-text text-secondary">Define the product vision and strategy and conduct user research to understand the needs of the target market.</p>
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<path d="M2 6a6 6 0 1 1 10.174 4.31c-.203.196-.359.4-.453.619l-.762 1.769A.5.5 0 0 1 10.5 13a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1 .5.5 0 0 1 0 1l-.224.447a1 1 0 0 1-.894.553H6.618a1 1 0 0 1-.894-.553L5.5 15a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1 0-1 .5.5 0 0 1-.46-.302l-.761-1.77a1.964 1.964 0 0 0-.453-.618A5.984 5.984 0 0 1 2 6zm6-5a5 5 0 0 0-3.479 8.592c.263.254.514.564.676.941L5.83 12h4.342l.632-1.467c.162-.377.413-.687.676-.941A5 5 0 0 0 8 1z" />
<span class="ms-2 fs-6">Product Manager</span>
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<figure class="card-img-top m-0 overflow-hidden bsb-overlay-hover">
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<img class="img-fluid bsb-scale bsb-hover-scale-up" loading="lazy" src="./assets/img/team-img-3.jpg" alt="James Levi">
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-eye text-white bsb-hover-fadeInLeft" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M16 8s-3-5.5-8-5.5S0 8 0 8s3 5.5 8 5.5S16 8 16 8zM1.173 8a13.133 13.133 0 0 1 1.66-2.043C4.12 4.668 5.88 3.5 8 3.5c2.12 0 3.879 1.168 5.168 2.457A13.133 13.133 0 0 1 14.828 8c-.058.087-.122.183-.195.288-.335.48-.83 1.12-1.465 1.755C11.879 11.332 10.119 12.5 8 12.5c-2.12 0-3.879-1.168-5.168-2.457A13.134 13.134 0 0 1 1.172 8z" />
<path d="M8 5.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5zM4.5 8a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 7 0 3.5 3.5 0 0 1-7 0z" />
<h4 class="h6 text-white bsb-hover-fadeInRight mt-2">Read More</h4>
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<h2 class="card-title h4 fw-bold mb-3">James Levi</h2>
<p class="card-text text-secondary">Analyze financial statements to assess a company's financial performance and develop financial models for future performance.</p>
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<path d="M8.235 1.559a.5.5 0 0 0-.47 0l-7.5 4a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .882L3.188 8 .264 9.559a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .882l7.5 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .47 0l7.5-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.882L12.813 8l2.922-1.559a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.882l-7.5-4zm3.515 7.008L14.438 10 8 13.433 1.562 10 4.25 8.567l3.515 1.874a.5.5 0 0 0 .47 0l3.515-1.874zM8 9.433 1.562 6 8 2.567 14.438 6 8 9.433z" />
<span class="ms-2 fs-6">Financial Analyst</span>
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<figure class="card-img-top m-0 overflow-hidden bsb-overlay-hover">
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<img class="img-fluid bsb-scale bsb-hover-scale-up" loading="lazy" src="./assets/img/team-img-2.jpg" alt="Taytum Elia">
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-eye text-white bsb-hover-fadeInLeft" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M16 8s-3-5.5-8-5.5S0 8 0 8s3 5.5 8 5.5S16 8 16 8zM1.173 8a13.133 13.133 0 0 1 1.66-2.043C4.12 4.668 5.88 3.5 8 3.5c2.12 0 3.879 1.168 5.168 2.457A13.133 13.133 0 0 1 14.828 8c-.058.087-.122.183-.195.288-.335.48-.83 1.12-1.465 1.755C11.879 11.332 10.119 12.5 8 12.5c-2.12 0-3.879-1.168-5.168-2.457A13.134 13.134 0 0 1 1.172 8z" />
<path d="M8 5.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5zM4.5 8a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 7 0 3.5 3.5 0 0 1-7 0z" />
<h4 class="h6 text-white bsb-hover-fadeInRight mt-2">Read More</h4>
<div class="card-body border bg-white p-4">
<h2 class="card-title h4 fw-bold mb-3">Taytum Elia</h2>
<p class="card-text text-secondary">Develop and oversee the visual concept for a product or brand and direct and review the work of other creative professionals.</p>
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<path d="M15.825.12a.5.5 0 0 1 .132.584c-1.53 3.43-4.743 8.17-7.095 10.64a6.067 6.067 0 0 1-2.373 1.534c-.018.227-.06.538-.16.868-.201.659-.667 1.479-1.708 1.74a8.118 8.118 0 0 1-3.078.132 3.659 3.659 0 0 1-.562-.135 1.382 1.382 0 0 1-.466-.247.714.714 0 0 1-.204-.288.622.622 0 0 1 .004-.443c.095-.245.316-.38.461-.452.394-.197.625-.453.867-.826.095-.144.184-.297.287-.472l.117-.198c.151-.255.326-.54.546-.848.528-.739 1.201-.925 1.746-.896. 1.187-2.069 2.176-2.67 6.18-6.206 9.117-8.104a.5.5 0 0 1 .596.04zM4.705 11.912a1.23 1.23 0 0 0-.419-.1c-.246-.013-.573.05-.879.479-.197.275-.355.532-.5.777l-.105.177c-.106.181-.213.362-.32.528a3.39 3.39 0 0 1-.76.861c.69.112 1.736.111 2.657-.12.559-.139.843-.569.993-1.06a3.122 3.122 0 0 0 .126-.75l-.793-.792zm1.44.026c.12-.04.277-.1.458-.183a5.068 5.068 0 0 0 1.535-1.1c1.9-1.996 4.412-5.57 6.052-8.631-2.59 1.927-5.566 4.66-7.302 6.792-.442.543-.795 1.243-1.042 1.826-.121.288-.214.54-.275.72v.001l.575.575zm-4.973 3.04.007-.005a.031.031 0 0 1-.007.004zm3.582-" />
<span class="ms-2 fs-6">Art Director</span>
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This Bootstrap team card template is perfect for showcasing company or business team members. We use Bootstrap cards to build this modern, trendy, responsive layout for team members. This Bootstrap team card template has three column layout with an excellent hover effect. This Bootstrap team card template is free and very easy to customize. This snippet has an extraordinary UI design with Bootstrap icons.