Bootstrap Blog Post List with Featured Image

Blogging has become a powerful tool for sharing knowledge, engaging with audiences, and building an online presence. One way to enhance the appeal of your blog and keep readers engaged is by using a blog post list with featured images. This article will guide you through creating a free blog post list with featured images, helping you maximize your blog’s visual impact and functionality.

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We have updated this Bootstrap component to Bootstrap 5.3.3 and BSB Framework 2.0.4. We have rechecked this Bootstrap snippet on May 3, 2024.

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Bootstrap Blog Post List with Featured Image

Creating a free blog post list with featured images can significantly enhance your blog’s visual appeal and functionality. Remember to use high-quality, relevant photos and consistently achieve the best results. Happy blogging!

Why Use Featured Images?

Featured images play a crucial role in attracting readers and enhancing the overall aesthetic of your blog. Here’s why they are essential:

  • Visual Appeal: Featured images make your blog posts visually appealing, catching readers’ eyes as they scroll through your content. To choose the right image, consider the topic of your post, the emotions you want to evoke, and the overall tone of your blog.
  • Brand Consistency: Using featured images helps maintain a cohesive brand identity.
  • SEO Benefits: Images can improve your SEO rankings by making your content more engaging and shareable.
  • Enhanced Readability: Images break up the text, making your posts easier to read and navigate.


  • Bootstrap 5
  • BSB Framework
  • Hover Effect
  • Blog Post Grid
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • W3C Valid
  • Clean Snippet
  • Commented Code
  • Responsive Layout
  • Easy to Use
  • SEO Optimized
  • Cross Browser Compatible
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        <p class="text-secondary mb-5 text-center lead fs-4">From innovative product launches to groundbreaking collaborations, here's a glimpse of what's been going on.</p>
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                      <span class="fs-7">25 Dec 2024</span>
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                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">The Most Widespread Items in the Best Bike Spokes</a>
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                Good spokes will give the entire wheelset more tension, accuracy, and rigidity, allowing the rider to accelerate satisfactorily.
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                      <span class="fs-7">11 Nov 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">How to Choose a Best Replacement Bike Chain</a>
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                Replacing worn chains with the same model from the same brand is easy, but even this is fraught with complications.
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                      <span class="fs-7">5 Oct 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">The Best Bike Saddles for More Comfortable Miles</a>
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                Different riding styles call for purpose-built bike seats. These expert-approved saddles earned our recommendation.
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                      <span class="fs-7">29 Sep 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">Which Brand of Front or Rear Bike Seat is the Most Durable</a>
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                As summer approaches, so do family outings. The warmth, sunshine and long days are perfect for exploring on two wheels.
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                      <span class="fs-7">14 Aug 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">Weight Loss: A Cycle Buying Guide for the Beginners</a>
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                Different kinds of bikes are available in the market, but which is perfect depends on your fitness goal and your budget limits.
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                      <span class="fs-7">13 Jul 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">How do Mountain Bike Brands Select the Nuts and Bolts</a>
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                One seat post clamp has a 4mm head, and the other a 6mm. We ask experts all questions about bike fasteners.
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                      <span class="fs-7">26 Jun 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">Bike Tyre Sizes Explained: Our Complete Guide for You</a>
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                Bike tire sizes vary; let us help you identify and understand them so you can easily choose the right tires for your bike.
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                      <span class="fs-7">9 May 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">A Wholesale 48 Hole Hub for Top Bicycle Performance</a>
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                Choosing the right 48-hole hub involves assessing bearing type, material robustness, and brake system compatibility.
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                      <span class="fs-7">2 Apr 2024</span>
                <h2 class="card-title entry-title h4 mb-0">
                  <a class="link-dark link-opacity-100 link-opacity-75-hover text-decoration-none" href="#!">The Ultimate Bike Pedal Guide for Your Next Ride</a>
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                Pedals make up two of the five touchpoints. They give you a platform for putting down your power and getting moving.
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