Easy Ways to Provide Emotional Support for Your Partner
Everybody needs emotional support, but it can be challenging to know how and when to provide it. To create a healthy relationship, you want your partner to know you're there for them, while still being mindful of your own mental well-being.
There are a number of strategies to provide emotional support in a way that is healthy for both you and your partner.
Listen to Your Partner
When your partner opens up to you, it’s important to really listen and pay attention. It can be easy to get distracted, especially when we lead such busy lives, but it’s important your partner is given your full attention.
"You must never dismiss or invalidate what they’re saying or how they’re feeling, as ultimately everyone experiences different emotions in various ways, and there’s no right or wrong way to deal with it"
Relationships Expert Charlotte Johnson
Ask your partner what they need from you.
Paraphrase and repeat back what they've said.
Take their problems seriously.
Provide meaningful gestures.
Simply offer love.
Check in later.
If you are not fully present while listening, you may miss important information, which may leave your partner feeling like you aren't interested in or don't care about their thoughts and feelings. Active listening is a supportive and caring practice when someone is opening up to you.
Offer Physical Affection
Whether or not physical affection is desired or helpful depends on the person and situation. For some, physical affection may feel welcome and comforting when it comes to providing your partner with emotional support. This might be something as simple as holding their hand while they’re talking to you, or cuddling them when they are struggling. You can offer physical affection by asking questions such as "Can I hold your hand or rub your back as you are speaking?" and "Is it okay if I give you a hug?"
Different people like different levels of physical affection at different times. If you are feeling unsure, communicate with your partner so you can learn what they are open to receiving and can provide it accordingly.
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