Best JavaScript Data Table Libraries 2024

In web development, data tables are an indispensable tool for displaying and organizing information in a structured format. Whether you’re building a simple website or a complex web application, chances are you’ll need to present data in tabular form at some point. JavaScript data table libraries come to the rescue, offering developers a wide range of features and customization options to create powerful and user-friendly tables.

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This post will explore some of the most popular JavaScript data table libraries today, highlighting their key features, advantages, and use cases. When choosing a data table library for your project, consider features, performance, ease of use, and compatibility with your existing tech stack. By leveraging the power of these libraries, you can enhance the usability and effectiveness of your web applications while saving time and effort in development.

Bootstrap Table

Bootstrap Table is an influential JavaScript library designed to craft highly customizable tables and data grids.


  • Supports different types of data
  • Supports various plugins
  • Responsive web design
  • Fully configurable


ToastUI Grid

Toast UI Grid stands as a potent JavaScript library, facilitating data filtering, sorting, and editing functionalities seamlessly.


  • Diverse inputs
  • Enhanced Virtual Scroll 
  • Tree data representation
  • Merging cell


TanStack Table

TanStack Table represents a comprehensive UI toolkit tailored for constructing robust and versatile data grids and tables.


  • Powerful features
  • Agnostic core (JS/TS)
  • Headless design
  • Table Splitting
  • Extensible


Angular DataTables

Angular DataTables is a powerful Angular component that enables developers to create interactive and feature-rich data tables within Angular applications.


  • Resizable Columns
  • Data Binding
  • Server-Side Data Processing
  • Pagination



Blueprint is a UI toolkit developed by Palantir Technologies that offers a wide range of features for building responsive and user-friendly web applications.


  • Component Library
  • Modular Design
  • Responsive Layouts
  • Integration with React
  • Customization



Tired of sluggish scrolling through large data tables? Meet Clusterize.js, the undercover speedster. It quietly optimizes performance by rendering only the necessary rows, resulting in a remarkably smooth scrolling experience. With no reliance on plugins or dependencies, it delivers raw speed and efficiency, revitalizing your scrolling game.


  • Effortlessly handles large data sets
  • Lightweight and dependency-free
  • Insanely fast scrolling


Cheetah Grid

Tired of sluggish scrolling in large data tables? Enter Clusterize.js, the undercover speedster. By selectively rendering only the necessary rows, it transforms your scrolling experience into one of silky smoothness. With no need for plugins or dependencies, it’s all about pure speed and efficiency.


  • Effortlessly handles large data sets
  • Lightweight and dependency-free
  • Insanely fast scrolling



Ever wish data management was less snooze, more whoa? Enter DataTables. It’s not just about slapping info into a table; it’s about wrapping it all up in a neat package complete with sorting, filtering, and paging. This beast has set the bar high for interactive table magic, and it’s all about that user-friendly vibe.


  • Extensive API for customization
  • Plug and play with jQuery
  • Export options you’ll love


Ember Table

If you’re catching the Ember.js wave, consider Ember Table your trusty surfboard. Tailored specifically for the framework, it effortlessly navigates through extensive and intricate datasets with a blend of finesse and nimbleness. Seamlessly merging the robust capabilities of Ember.js with the practicality of a table format, it’s the ultimate tool for efficient data management.


  • Manages massive datasets with elegance
  • Customizable and extensible
  • Tailored for Ember.js



FooTable rejects the scrollbar and embraces expandable rows wholeheartedly. It maintains the cleanliness of your tables upfront while hiding a wealth of details just a click away. Responsive, expandable, and user-friendly, its aim is to present information in easily digestible portions.


  • No-scroll responsive layout
  • Simple to start, simple to use
  • Expandable rows for extra detail



When lightweight meets potency, behold jsGrid. It may be small in size, but it packs a mighty punch, boasting features like seamless in-table editing reminiscent of smooth jazz. Think of it as the determined engine powering grid control without the unnecessary bulk. It prioritizes simplicity without compromising on functionality.


  • Support for major databases
  • In-table editing and sorting
  • Customizable fields
  • Data Editing and Filtering



JTable is a versatile Java Swing component designed for the presentation and manipulation of tabular data in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It serves as a robust foundation for displaying structured information in a familiar spreadsheet-like format.


  • Data Sorting and Filtering
  • Customizable Table Model
  • Row Headers and Tooltips
  • Customizable Table Model


Frappe DataTable

Frappe DataTable is a feature-rich JavaScript library designed for creating interactive and customizable data tables in web applications.


  • Large Number of Rows
  • Custom Formatters
  • Custom Cell Editor
  • Flexible Layout



Grid.js is a versatile table plugin compatible with both Vanilla JavaScript and popular frameworks like Vue.js, Angular, and React.


  • Easy to integrate with various frameworks
  • Various plugins
  • Easy to use
  • Various plugins


NGX DataTable

Calling all Angular enthusiasts! Say hello to ngx-datatable, the perfect fit for your Angular applications. Designed to seamlessly integrate with Angular projects, it combines top-notch performance with Angular-friendly features. Whether you need scalability, sorting capabilities, or mobile responsiveness, ngx-datatable is the reliable companion for all your data table requirements.


  • Sortable columns and resizable windows
  • Framework-specific (Angular)
  • Mobile-first approach
  • Expressive Header and Cell Templates



PortalJS is crafted using JavaScript and React, leveraging the renowned Next.js framework. It follows a “decoupled” architecture, separating the frontend as an independent service from the backend, communicating with backend(s) through an API. Compatible with various backends, it comes equipped with built-in compatibility for CKAN.


  • Easy to theme and customize
  • Developer friendly
  • Unified sites
  • Well documented


React Virtualized

React Virtualized is a library designed to efficiently render large lists and tabular data in React applications by only rendering the items that are currently visible on the screen


  • Column and Row Management
  • Server-side Rendering
  • Responsive Design
  • Virtualization



SlickGrid is a feature-rich, highly customizable JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component designed for efficiently displaying and editing large datasets in web applications.


  • Extremely fast rendering speed
  • Dynamic Data Loading
  • Configurable & customizable
  • Keyboard Navigation and Shortcuts



Tabulator is a versatile JavaScript table library empowering developers to craft customizable tables brimming with data.


  • Accepts data from various sources
  • Sorting and Filtering
  • Flexible Configuration
  • Customizable



TableSorter (FORK) is a jQuery plugin designed to transform a conventional HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without the need for page refreshes. It excels in parsing and sorting various types of data, including linked data within cells.


  • Different data types support
  • Multiple sort support
  • Pagination support
  • Multi-column alphanumeric sorting and filtering


Vue Table

VueTable is a Vue.js component engineered to seamlessly fetch JSON data from the server and elegantly present it within an HTML table. It features a versatile and customizable pagination sub-component that can be easily swapped out or extended. Additionally, you have the option to incorporate buttons into each row and attach event handlers to them.


  • HTML Table Rendering
  • Display data Retrieved
  • Customizable Styling
  • Pagination Sub-component


Vue Good Table

Vue Good Table is a Vue.js component designed to present and organize data in tabular formats with sorting capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with Vue.js plugins and libraries, providing web developers with a flexible solution for displaying and managing data.


  • Responsive tables
  • Pagination
  • Export
  • Highly Customizable


JQuery DynaTable

JQuery DynaTable is a powerful jQuery plugin that provides developers with a comprehensive set of features for creating dynamic and interactive tables in web applications.


  • Customizable Styling
  • Filtering and Searching
  • Sortable Columns
  • Dynamic Data Loading


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