Bootstrap Footer with Social Media Icons
In the digital era, social media is essential for connecting with audiences, sharing content, and building brand identity. Adding social media icons to your website’s footer effectively encourages visitors to engage with your brand across various platforms.
Bootstrap 5 Component Update
We have updated this Bootstrap component to Bootstrap 5.3.3 and BSB Framework 2.0.4. We have rechecked this Bootstrap snippet on May 3, 2024.
Best Ready to Use Web Themes & Templates
Bootstrap Footer with Social Media Icons
The Free Bootstrap Footer with Social Media Icons is a versatile template designed to enhance user engagement by seamlessly integrating social media links into your website’s footer. Built on the popular Bootstrap framework, this free resource offers a simple yet effective solution for improving navigation and encouraging social media interaction.
Bootstrap 5 Templates
Bootstrap One Page Templates, Bootstrap 5 Templates, Free Bootstrap Templates
Social Media Icons
The footer template comes pre-packaged with recognizable icons representing popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These icons serve as visual cues, making it easy for users to identify and connect with you on social media.
While the template provides predefined social media icons, it also offers flexibility for customization. You can easily adjust the icons’ size, color, and placement to match your website’s design aesthetic and branding.
- Bootstrap 5
- BSB Framework
- Business Links
- Legal Links
- Social Media Icons
- HTML5 & CSS3
- W3C Valid
- Clean Snippet
- Commented Code
- Responsive Layout
- Easy to Use
- SEO Optimized
- Cross Browser Compatible
Bootstrap 5 Components
Bootstrap Login Forms, Bootstrap 5 Snippets, Bootstrap Cards, Bootstrap Carousels, Bootstrap Heroes, Bootstrap Footers
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Bootstrap 5 Footer Snippets
Browse our stunning pack of Bootstrap Footer snippets and templates. These footer components are elementary to use for your website or blog.
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- Access to all 8 Pro Templates
- Access to all 51 Pro Components
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BB Startup
3 Months Access
8 Pro BS Templates
51 Pro BS Components
- Use in personal projects
- Customize the template files
- Unlimited Number of websites/domains
- Create websites for clients
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- Working PHP/AJAX contact form
- Sass/SCSS Files
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- Premium support via Email
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- 3 Months Free Updates
- Access to all our 8 Pro Templates
- Access to all our 51 Pro Components
Use in SaaS -
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BB Club
12 Months Access
8 Pro BS Templates
51 Pro BS Components
- Use in personal projects
- Customize the template files
- Unlimited Number of websites/domains
- Create websites for clients
- Remove footer credit link
- Working PHP/AJAX contact form
- Sass/SCSS Files
- JS Source Files
- Premium support via Email
- Forum support
- 12 Months Free Updates
- Access to all our 8 Pro Templates
- Access to all our 51 Pro Components
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