Minimalist Bootstrap Footer Example
This Free Minimalist Bootstrap Footer is a sleek and functional template built on the Bootstrap framework, a popular choice for responsive web design. With its minimalist design aesthetic and customizable features, this free resource offers a simple yet effective solution for adding a polished finishing touch to your website.
Bootstrap 5 Component Update
We have updated this Bootstrap component to Bootstrap 5.3.3 and BSB Framework 2.0.4. We have rechecked this Bootstrap snippet on May 3, 2024.
Best Ready to Use Web Themes & Templates

Minimalist Bootstrap Footer Example
In the realm of web design, less is often more. Minimalist design principles prioritize simplicity, clarity, and functionality, offering users an uncluttered and intuitive experience. When it comes to footers, adopting a minimalist approach can create a clean and elegant finish to your website while still providing essential information and navigation options.
Bootstrap 5 Templates
Bootstrap One Page Templates, Bootstrap 5 Templates, Free Bootstrap Templates
Introducing the Free Minimalist Bootstrap Footer
The Free Minimalist Bootstrap Footer is not just a simple yet elegant solution for adding a polished finishing touch to your website. It’s also incredibly user-friendly, allowing you to effortlessly embrace minimalist design principles. This way, you can create a clean, uncluttered user experience that enhances engagement and usability all on your own.
Key Features
- Clean Design: The footer’s minimalist design focuses on clarity and simplicity, providing a visually pleasing finish to your website without overwhelming the user.
- Customizability: While the template comes with a clean and minimalist design, it also offers flexibility for customization. You can easily adjust colors, typography, and layout to match your website’s branding and design aesthetic.
- Responsive Layout: Like all Bootstrap components, the footer template is fully responsive, ensuring that it looks great and functions seamlessly across devices of all sizes – from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets.
- Essential Information: Despite its minimalist design, the footer still provides space for crucial information such as contact details, copyright notices, and links to important pages.
- Bootstrap 5
- BSB Framework
- Business Logo
- Business Links
- Social Media Icons
- HTML5 & CSS3
- W3C Valid
- Clean Snippet
- Commented Code
- Responsive Layout
- Easy to Use
- SEO Optimized
- Cross Browser Compatible
Bootstrap 5 Components
Bootstrap Login Forms, Bootstrap 5 Snippets, Bootstrap Cards, Bootstrap Carousels, Bootstrap Heroes, Bootstrap Footers
<!-- Footer 10 - Bootstrap Brain Component -->
<footer class="py-3">
<!-- Widgets - Bootstrap Brain Component -->
<div class="py-6 py-md-8 py-xl-10">
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<div class="row gy-3">
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<img src="./assets/img/bsb-logo.svg" alt="BootstrapBrain Logo" width="153" height="50">
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<!-- Copyright - Bootstrap Brain Component -->
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Bootstrap 5 Footer Snippets
Browse our stunning pack of Bootstrap Footer snippets and templates. These footer components are elementary to use for your website or blog.
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8 Pro BS Templates
51 Pro BS Components
- Use in personal projects
- Customize the template files
- Unlimited Number of websites/domains
- Create websites for clients
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- Working PHP/AJAX contact form
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- Access to all our 8 Pro Templates
- Access to all our 51 Pro Components
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12 Months Access
8 Pro BS Templates
51 Pro BS Components
- Use in personal projects
- Customize the template files
- Unlimited Number of websites/domains
- Create websites for clients
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- Working PHP/AJAX contact form
- Sass/SCSS Files
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- Premium support via Email
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- 12 Months Free Updates
- Access to all our 8 Pro Templates
- Access to all our 51 Pro Components
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